SUSQUEHANNOCK Tribe of Florida

The Bear Clan Sweat Lodge Ceremony is one of the 13 clan lodges of the Susquehannock.
The 13 clan lodges are related to the year cycle of the moon.
The Clan Lodges of the Susquehannock are transformational in nature.
This year the Bear Clan Sweat Lodge Ceremony will be international as well as intertribal.
There will be friends coming from all over, England, Austria, Holland, Germany, and Finland as well a The Medicine Chief of the Blackfoot Ee-Suk-Yah, The Sacred Paint Gatherer, and other tribal
descendents were around the Valley.
This Will Be a Truly Spectacular Ceremony!

Because of the depth and complexity of the Bear Clan Sweat Lodge Ceremonies it is absolutely mandatory that everyone wishing to attend must join the preparation teaching and instruction so that you can enjoy and follow the ceremony.
The Bear Clan Lodge Ceremony is an extremely sacred ceremony and therefore there will be
absolutely no Alcohol permitted before or after the Lodge.

There will be a potluck dinner after the lodge ceremony so please bring something along if you can.

I'm looking forward seeing everyone again at these fantastic teachings & ceremonies

We Are All Related Dancing Thunder

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